Build your Supplies To create your felt flowers you will require a variety of colored felt. You can purchase a broad range of colours, or dye your own using wool dye. You'll also require a pair of scissors and a hot glue gun, fabric glue or needle and thread. Using glue will probably be faster and easier, but with a needle and thread is likely to create your flowers a bit more hardy in the long term.

Basic Flower Shapes The simplest felt flowers are made by arranging petal shapes in a circle. It's possible to create daisies, poinsettias, dandelions and a lot more this manner. Just select a petal shape, curved or pointy, narrow or broad, and cut it out in a variety of sizes. You want a few of your petals to be long and some to be brief.

Daisy Petals To organize your daisies, simply pile the petals in a circle with the longest at the bottom and also the shortest on the top. Glue or stitch and finish with a bright centre.

Layers of Petals It's possible to get a bit more complex with your flowers by cutting more peculiar contours or folding your petals to provide them longer dimension. Consider cutting out shapes which are not traditionally flowery, like hearts or flowing organic shapes. Or cut out perfect circles and then cut a slit on one side.

Circular Petals To create the petals from your circles create a cut in the sensed from the edge to the center of the ring. Overlap the ring at the cut to make a shallow cone and glue or stitch in place. Arrange your petals in overlapping circles to form sweet little blossoms.

Organic Petal Shapes Organize your natural shaped petals by beginning with the smallest shapes in the middle. Gently fold them to get a bit more dimension and paste or sew them together in the middle of this flower.

Dahlia Prep To create a sensed dahlia you'll require a run of small petal shapes. They ought to be pointed on both ends and fat from the middle. It is possible to use exactly the same color for all your colors or use a gradation of color, from purple to green or pink to yellow for example. The number of petals you'll need will depend on how many layers and how big you want your flower to be, but a fantastic guideline is 6 petals for your smallest ring. Insert 3 petals every time you want to make a ring larger.

Arranging Your Dahlia To make your dahlia, pinch 1 end of each petal and glue or stitch to secure. Arrange the petals in concentric circles, stitching or gluing as you go. You would like to attach each petal to the one next to it as well as those below and above. Finish with the middle of your selection.

Plumeria Prep Create felt plumerias by cutting teardrop shaped petals. You will need an equal number of big petals in one colour, and smallish petals in another color. You will have to have between 5 and 8 petals in each colour.

Finished Plumeria To build your petals coating the tiny petals in addition to the larger ones and pinch the things together. Glue or sew all of the pointed ends together, overlapping the larger ends of the petals as necessary.

Ruffled Petals This felt flower is simple to make, but the layers of ruffled petals can be utterly beautiful. You are able to use circles, curved triangles, rounded squares or flower shapes to your petals. They should be the exact same size.

Putting Petals Together Fold each shape into quarters. Glue or stitch the corners together at the middle of the flower. The further petals you put in the rounder your flower will be. Eight petals will provide you a half dome, while 16 will produce a round flower.

Rose Prep These roses are easy to create and very sweet. All you will need is a bit of felt cut in a spiral shape. You can begin with a circle of felt and cut a smooth spiral to it, or begin with a flower shape and cut a loopy spiral to create petals.

Large Rose Wrap your coil of felt tightly, beginning at the middle. Glue or stitch as you move. When the glue is dry, then gently pull the petals outward to maintain your rose from looking too flat.

Spiral Rose Employing a circle rather than the petal pattern produces a tight spiral increased. Just like the petal rose, start winding your spiral in the center and glue as you move. Try creating a string of little spiral roses and gluing them together to create little bunches of blossoms.

Spiral Rose You might also produce a simple spiral climbed with one long strip of felt. Cut one end into a stage and then fold in half lengthwise. Begin winding at the flat end and finish by tucking the pointed end below the spiral. Glue or stitch because you wind to keep the coil tight.

Chrysanthemum Prep To make felt chrysanthemums you need a long, narrow strip of felt. It ought to be twice as wide as you need your petals to be, and the more it is the larger your final flower will be. Fold the felt strip in half lengthwise and cut slits along the folded edge. Do not cut all of the way through. It should be felt along the middle when you are done with cuts.

Chrysanthemum Final With the sensed folded in half and the folded/cut side facing upward, hold one end and start rolling the strip. Glue or stitch as you go, keeping the ground tight but allowing the petals fan out. When the flower is finished you can leave the petals in little loops, like you see in the pink and yellow illustrations, or cut each one of the loops such as the green case.

Floral Centers Some flowers need a little center to complete them up. There are a large number of choices when it comes to producing your facilities, including using beads and buttons, but you can also create them with left-over felt scraps. Consider rolling a long, narrow piece into a tight spiral for a little centre, or make loose loops to get a larger center. You are able to attach a lot of small circles, or a lot of thin strips. Or just try a bit stitching using contrasting thread to get a subtle centre.

Attaching Stems If you are likely to make a bouquet out of your flowers, you will need to hot glue them into a sort of stem. It's possible to use skewers, floral wire or branches and twigs to attach to your flowers. Branches add a beautiful natural touch, but flowery wire can make arranging and flower placement simpler.

Arrange your Bouquet Once your flowers are attached to stems all that is left to do is organize your own bouquet. Wrap the stems in a gorgeous ribbon to finish, or organize them in your favourite vase for the ideal display.

Create a Wreath If you are not sure about a fragrance, felt flowers make beautiful wreaths. Begin with a ready made grapevine or foam and hot glue the felt flowers onto it till the wreath is totally covered. Hang on your door for a glowing "welcome home!"